Thursday, 28 May 2015

The ROI of Windows Server 2012 Upgrade

There’s been a lot of discussion about the 270% ROI Windows Server 2012 offers –and that’s significant. But let’s go beyond the numbers to see what else R2 has to offer.

The Windows Server 2012 R2 upgrade is exactly what you need right now for best business practices—and to ensure you’re as prepared for the next big thing as your competitors. The R2 upgrade means you have access to smarter cloud optimization, security enhancements, and business agility.

Cloud Optimization: With built-in visualization, R2 was born to partner with the cloud. It’s flexible, and it’s portable. You can decide who has what access and ensure that everyone’s workloads are balanced, while maintaining constant flow of data in and out of the cloud, whether private, public, or hybrid.

Security Enhancements: Data is secure, and the server automatically follows service-level agreements (SLAs) to the letter. All of your employees are connected to one another, to the server, and to you at all times, with the power to do what needs to be done. It even provides you with the ability to give employees access to internal corporate websites, with individual access capabilities. With the Workplace Join feature of R2, employees can even register personal devices with the server, which means they’re happy to work wherever they are.

Business Agility: Windows Server 2012’s upgrade includes software-defined networking, or SDN functionality, which means you can take advantage of increased mobility while handling large-scale workloads. With SDN, you have more control over traffic than ever before, in a very granular way, and that means you can ensure business moves forward consistently.

According to a Forrester’s Total Economic Impact (“TEI”) study on Microsoft 70-417 Dumps  Windows Server 2012 R2 upgrade, business leaders who utilized R2 said it helped them “reduce and avoid software and hardware costs, reduce management costs, streamline and reduce storage costs, and deliver better services to customers and employees.”

I’ve focused on benefits beyond cost savings and ROI percentages in this post, but that’s not to say that cost savings aren’t fantastic—helping your bottom line is always a plus. But the part about “deliver[ing] better services to customers and employees” stands out to me as most important—because if your customers are happy, so is your bottom line, and if your employees are happy, well—so are your customers, your bottom line, and you.

With the end of support date for Windows Server 2003 fast approaching, there's never been a better time to plan your data center transformation. Our experts have designed this helpful tool to get you started on the right upgrade path for your unique environment, applications, and workloads.

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